BOOST Tourism Grant Released by the City of Waynesboro
City Invests in Marketing Activities to Drive Visitation
The City of Waynesboro invests annually in tourism-oriented business endeavors, events and projects through their grant program, “Building Opportunities to Support Tourism (BOOST).” City businesses and organizations are invited to apply for up to $3,000 to support eligible activities such as fairs, festivals, and events intended to entice visitation as well as associated marketing, design, and printing costs. Funds are limited to new and existing tourism-related endeavors taking place within the City of Waynesboro between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
“Tourism plays a vital role in Waynesboro’s local economy,” says Jennifer Kiser, Tourism and Marketing Manager. “We are excited to offer the BOOST Grant Program once again to provide support for event organizers as they continue to adapt and overcome challenges to host unique events that drive visitation to Waynesboro.” Prior to COVID-19, tourism spending in Virginia had experienced ten years of continual growth. Tourism revenue reached $38,337,064 in Waynesboro in 2019 and supported 367 local jobs.1 Total tourism spending in Waynesboro was down 22.1% for 2020.2 Though the 2021 numbers have not yet been released, there was likely positive growth over 2020. BOOST Grants will support local tourism partners through their continued recovery efforts by enabling them to expand their marketing reach beyond the local area.
Full details for the requirements of the grant are included in the application, which is available for download on the City’s Economic Development site (waynesborobusiness.com/boost-tourism-grant/) or email Jennifer Kiser (KiserJC@ci.waynesboro.va.us) for a copy. Completed applications are due by noon on Friday, August 5th to the Tourism Office. A committee will review the applications and make determinations for grant awards by Friday, August 12th.
1 2019 Figures, US Travel Association for domestic visitor spending, 2019 figures.
22020 Direct Visitor Impacts for Virginia Localities, Virginia Tourism Corporation