City of Waynesboro Recognizes Business Appreciation Month and Economic Development Week
Waynesboro, VA – At last evening’s meeting, the City Council issued a proclamation joining the Commonwealth of Virginia in recognizing May as Business Appreciation Month and identified May 9 – May 13 as Economic Development Week.
Mayor Bobby Henderson noted that the nearly 800 Waynesboro businesses employ over 8,000 people and are a critical factor in strengthening our local economy by continuing to make investments in their companies, providing employment and opportunities for growth, and contributing to our vibrant community.
The proclamation also identified the week of May 9 to May 13, 2022, as Economic Development Week. During this week, communities across North America will celebrate and recognize the contributions made by professional economic developers to create more economically vibrant and livable communities.
Created in 2016 by International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the largest international professional trade association for economic developers, Economic Development Week aims to increase awareness for local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and improve the quality of life in communities everywhere.
“Economic developers play essential roles in promoting the economic health and vitality of their communities — a fact that has only been proven further by the events of the past two years,” says IEDC President & CEO Nathan Ohle.
Through its social media channels (@GrowWaynesboro on Facebook & Twitter and Waynesboro Economic Development & Tourism on LinkedIn), the Waynesboro Office of Economic Development and Tourism will be highlighting some of the businesses that power our city, the employees who live and work here, and the people behind the scenes who strive to make Waynesboro the best community it can be. With strong business leaders, a talented workforce, and great amenities, the future of Waynesboro is bright.