Waynesboro Offers Assistance for Businesses Affected by Cornonavirus
We recognize this is likely one of many messages you have recently received from organizations regarding the global coronavirus outbreak. While this event is causing…
Resources For Tourism Businesses
Updates from Virginia Restaurant, Lodging & Travel Association Hotels: Do you want to make space available to local, state, and federal government? Local government and…
Manufacturer Expands into Waynesboro
WAYNESBORO, VA-- Raven Industries, Inc. of Sioux Falls, SD announced today that its Engineered Films Division is expanding its fabrication operations to the East Coast…
City Council Approves Virginia Museum of Natural History Resolution
WAYNESBORO, VA- At the regularly scheduled City Council meeting of December 9, 2019, City Council approved a resolution providing $1,000,000 in incentives to the Virginia…
City Recognized by International Economic Development Council
City Recognized by International Economic Development Council Economic Development Receives Two Excellence Awards INDIANAPOLIS, IN & WAYNESBORO, VA- The City of Waynesboro received two Excellence…