Waynesboro Recieves $25,000 Grant to Help Businesses
The city of Waynesboro will use a $25,000 state grant to both help startup or existing entrepreneurs, and to digitize a city guide that offers…
Waynesboro “On the Rise” Among Virginia Cities
WAYNESBORO – Fueled by increases across multiple categories, Waynesboro is grwing in critical ways and posting significant gains. According to online consumer advocacy site NerdWallet,…
City of Waynesboro, Virginia, Receives Excellence in Economic Development Award from the IEDC
City of Waynesboro Virginia received a Bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award for its 2014 project in the category of Special Purpose Print Brochure for…
BOOST Grant Application Now Available
Building Opportunities tO Support Tourism (BOOST – formerly the Micro-Tourism Local Leverage Grant program), serves to support tourism-related ventures of eligible businesses within the City…
Waynesboro wrestles with how to renew city’s core
News Leader Calvin Trice, ctrice@newsleader.com May 27, 2014 WAYNESBORO — Just wanting someone to do something with your abandoned industrial sites is rarely enough. Not…