Grow Waynesboro Main & Wayne Grant Recipients Announced
$53,000 Awarded to Four Businesses
WAYNESBORO, VA– A standing room only crowd experienced an amazing “pitch night” last night as the Grow Waynesboro Main & Wayne small business development program concluded with pitches from eight finalists. After the final presentations, judges deliberated and announced the final grant awards to four local businesses, helping them to create jobs and continue to build a culture of entrepreneurship in Waynesboro.
Once again, the City partnered with the Shenandoah Community Capital Fund and the Valley Small Business Development Center to assist applicants in developing their business plans and preparing them to launch or expand their businesses. Applicants completed an eight-week business planning class, a pitch workshop, one-on-one counseling, and received expert advice from a host of guest speakers with specific business experience.
“We are excited by the continued community support of this program that has had an impact on downtown and beyond,” says Greg Hitchin, Director of Economic Development and Tourism for the City of Waynesboro. “The caliber of presentations and the enthusiastic turnout for the live pitch night is a testimony to small business in Waynesboro.”
The Grow Waynesboro Main & Wayne program has been made possible by a grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development, with additional funding from the City, Economic Development Authority, and local investors.
“We are very grateful for the additional support of our local investors, Atlantic Union Bank, First Bank and Trust, F&M Bank, and Lumos, plus the partnership with Fishburne Military School and the Shenandoah Valley Art Center for the use of their facilities; without all the partners, this program would not be possible.”
Judges chose the awards based on a diversity of criteria, including the start-ups’ job creation, their business viability and readiness, as well as their positive impacts on Waynesboro. “Supporting businesses that will create jobs and add to the economic vitality of Waynesboro weighed into the judges decision-making process,” says Hitchin..
The businesses and award amounts for the 2023 Grow Waynesboro Main & Wayne are:
adorn boutique – $12,000 — adorn boutique will provide customers with local access to high quality clothing and accessories not currently available. adorn boutique seeks to give customers unique options that can be mixed and matched to create beautiful personal wardrobes that will last year after year.
Crack O’ Dawn Bakery and Bistro – $25,000 — Crack O’ Dawn is a dedicated gluten free bakery and restaurant serving breakfast, lunch, and a wide variety of pastries. They are focused on safety so people with Celiac Disease can take the day off from cooking.
Band of Barbers Academy – $6,000 — With a passion for helping overlooked and underemployed youth and young adults, the founders are committed to teaching entrepreneurship through the timeless trade of barbering. They are not merely training barbers, but instead, they are training entrepreneurs who can provide exceptional haircuts.
Revival Décor + Design – $10,000 — Revival Decor + Design is a retail shop featuring unique home decor products offering custom made furniture & designs, reclaimed flooring & lumber, and architectural salvage. Additionally, they have design consulting and historic restoration services.
“We are looking forward to working with this year’s recipients to establish or expand their businesses and to growing this program to support small business and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Waynesboro,” says Hitchin.